Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Test”
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Integration Test Api in .Net Using Reflection
There are a few different approaches to testing in the spectrum between simple unit tests and complete E2E tests. If I had to choose one approach to prioritize I would pick integration tests.
The key reasons are:
- Tests a flow of multiple functions, in contrast with unit tests where only a single function is tested
- Self contained i.e. the test has no external dependencies on a deployed environment etc.
- Makes logical sense to test a complete function in a REST api, a single Lambda in AWS or an Azure function
The problem
In my case the goal was to setup a test suite for a .NET web api. I quickly realized that the naive way to explicitly instantiate every controller plus all dependencies would lead
to lots of repeated boilerplate code in order to setup a test case. I also wanted to make use of the existing DI configuration.
So how to create a generic setup where new test cases is a breeze to create? 🤔